Monday, October 18, 2010


Converse All-Stars. The perfect shoe for any gig. EXCEPT when you go to Bergen (the rainy capital of Norway). I was, as usual, wearing a pair of long, bootcut jeans (do so NOT have the body for any other type of jeans, just ask my dress-sense-goddesses - Trinny and Susannah*). In a city where it POURS constantly, you should NEVER wear trousers that swipe the ground. EVER. I was soaked up to my knees just by standing in the rain for 20 minutes. Including stupid, stupid shoes. Shit.

So - back to Bergen. The city where I spent my student years. And - traveling all by myself. I am such a sad person, a real looser, I know. But - I figured - if I could travel to Oslo at fifteen (22 years ago!) to see Prince in concert without my parents, I should be able to cope on a Monday night alone in Bergen at my current age.

It all felt a bit like living my life backwards. First person I bump into at the gate upon arrival? My last ex-boyfriend. From 19 years back. (My next boyfriend happened to be THE ONE, "the-one-that-did-not-manage-to-get-away" a. k. a. my dear husband.) Of course, I looked like shit, after sleeping on the plane. A word of advice: You should ALWAYS look your best when you run into an ex. At least the ones that dumped you. So they can see what they are missing out on. Bummer.

Anyway. It was actually nice to be back in Bergen. Even better - now that I did not have to stay in my old dorm! And I do travel with much better luggage these days.

Left early to get to the concert venue, after shooting up two out of my now three daily doses of hormones. Got two new types to add to the cocktail today, just HI-LA-RI-OUS. The last one even goes in my thigh. Ouch!

At eight-thirty, I continued my time travel. When Prince finally entered the stage - I was fifteen again. And it felt great. There he was! Just five-or-so meters away! Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! Oh-my-God-oh-my-God-oh-my-God! Suddenly it did no longer matter that I had paid an arm and a leg to be there. Meaning TWO tickets to the "Golden Circle", one bought my a mistake, as the default order at Ticketmaster is TWO. They apparently ASSUME that all their customers have friends - stupid! The concert never sold out, so I did not manage to sell the extra ticket. Even at half price. Well, whatever.

He looked a bit anxious when entering the stage. I am not sure what he was expecting. I guess it was not exactly the grandest concert arena he had played. But after he had the whole crowd jumping/waving/clapping on his second number, his sly smile - and that dangerous look in his eyes - were back. Just like in the old days. And, he delivered a great list of his top songs, mixed with some really funky covers. Standing still was impossible. I even joined in on his "bird" dance. Yikes! I waited for my favorite song - "If I was your girlfriend" - in vain, but when he rounded it all off by getting back on stage after his second round of encores, with a beautiful version of "Sometimes it snows in April", I forgave him on the spot. Wow!

By the way, when I grow up, I want to be Sheila E. Please?

Must. Sleep. Now. Have a really early flight back to Oslo tomorrow morning, as I could not take any time off from work.

PS. To continue my travel back in time - at the airport on my way back - I bumped into the first friend I made when I moved to Bergen. What are the odds of that? I think I should buy a lotto ticket this week.

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