Saturday, January 01, 2011

Just another shitty day in paradise

New year's day. I guess we were actually anchored on the other side of the island early in the morning, but really, I would not know. New year's day tends to be a somewhat difficult day. Same this year, only you cannot stay in bed all day and feel sorry for yourself when you wake up in Paradise, can you? Even though my hair did hurt quite a bit this morning.

So, I forced myself into the shower, got on my beach gear, and jumped on the first tender ashore. To Prickly Pear. Time for the weekly Champagne and Caviar Splash again! I normally do not feel like eating much the day after a big party, but who can resist caviar? Not me. Champagne, however, I can resist. At least BEFORE lunch.

The big beach barbecue was much more relaxed this week, as I guess quite a few guests felt a bit "under the weather". And the sister ship was not joining us this week. Suited me perfectly. I sat "anchored" to a plastic chair in the shade forcing down a baked potato with tons of sour cream for a couple of hours, until I decided that a swim perhaps could help me feel better. It didn't. So, I had to cut my losses and drag my corpse back to the ship for a little siesta.

Slept for a couple of hours, and scratched my millionth mosquito bite. Mosquitoes (and all other tiny vampires for that matter) just love me. So when the neighboring little island is called Mosquito Island, there is no wonder my legs look like I have the plague. Awesome. Only good thing is that with all those bites I surely must have lost weight. In St. John I managed to get 23 - twenty-three - bug-bites just waiting ten minutes for the tender to get back on the ship. Yay. Nice to really feel loved. At least by some creatures.

Anyway. Time to get started on the saddest task of any vacation. Packing up your things to return home. The happy days are very soon over. Weep. And - as always, the shoes keep popping out of my luggage.

Had to sit on the suitcase to be able to close it. Of course.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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