Tuesday, January 04, 2011

How my real life sucks. Sometimes.

Woke up this morning by my Tivoli clock radio playing my favorite song. "A perfect day" (Lou Reed). You gotta be KIDDING!!! My first working day after I get home from vacation, and this is what wakes me up! Pretty ironic, yes.

Oh, the pain. Had to cook breakfast myself. By maneuvering though the refrigerator to see what food was still edible. For humans. Met the remains of the rice cream from Christmas party on its way out of a box. Ready to go on a date with the remains of the raspberry sauce. Which was now GREY. Yuk! Then I had to hang up the laundry, and tidy up the kitchen. After I had spent half an hour converting my frizzy sun-bleached hair into something resembling something that might pass as proper "work" hair, I was ready to leave the house. Just to realize that. It. Is. Snowing. So my hair died instantly. THANK YOU!

It got worse. Stopped by our closest Deli Deluca (bad local copy of Dean and Deluca) to buy a new tram card. They were SOLD OUT. What?! I was then offered to buy single tickets, but they did not have the adult ones. Meaning that my next four days to and from work I would have to carry with me my SIXTEEN children´s tram tickets. And - worse - get them accepted on my expense report. HELLO?

On the tram I turned on my iPhone to calm myself down with some music. Only to realize that my headphones are now BROKEN. The bass is gone. Just perfect. To celebrate, I listened to "Sometimes it snows in April" (Prince). Saddest song in the world. One of the many that can make me cry. Only, funny enough, today it didn´t.  Really got me in the right mood, though. Oh. I feel SO SORRY FOR MYSELF.

Sometimes it snows in April
Sometimes I feel so bad, so bad
Sometimes I wish that life was never ending,
But all good things, they say, never last

Arrived at my client´s office. Fifteen minutes late, due to the hair and tram ticket disasters. And realized that I had left my glasses on the kitchen counter. Christ! Will this never stop?

Hm. Good thing I remembered to bring......

(drum whirls)



Which is - of course - equipped with one extra pair of my contact lenses. I sent a warm thought to my new friends in California at that very moment. You truly saved my day. Things actually improved after that. This will all be ok. I just have to get used to it all again.

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