Friday, June 10, 2011

Le Viking

One of the pairs of sandals that I had made to measure in Sorrento last summer. Among the first pairs of shoes to move permanently to my French "offshore" shoe department. Perfect for long lazy days in the sun where the longest walk you do is to the kitchen to fetch another can of Orangina. Perhaps accompanied by some ham or olives to stuff your face with.

Time for our last weekend in France before the REAL summer vacation starts. It might sound very glamorous to be "commuting" between Nice and Oslo on weekends, but I can assure you, it is not. Yes, we have some great evenings, with lovely food and wine / gazing at sunsets, but mostly these weekends tend take the form of a labour camp. And - on this particular weekend I sacrificed TWO parties. Since you know that I hate missing out on anything, missing the summer party at work - AND my 20 year graduation anniversary (yikes, I am old!) is a lot.

We are running around like headless chicken all day, working on getting everything ready for the summer. Good news are that we are getting there. Most of the outdoor furniture is now in place, and - we have managed to assemble the huge Weber barbecue without the word "divorce" coming up. A great success, I would say (sometimes I just have low expectations).

If we could only get the boiler in the basement to start producing hot water for our showers, all would be good. I am starting to get tired of being a good sport showering (and washing hair) in ice-cold water every morning coming up with the same stupid jokes about being a bit of "a Norwegian viking". Because, I really do prefer hot water. Just call me a chicken, but I do.

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