Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Ignorance is bliss

Comfortable, but OH, so boring. As they go with both pants and dresses/skirts, they are perfect for traveling. And (clean) patent shoes can spice up any outfit. I think I got these at the street market in Bogstadveien*.

You are going to hate me now. Maybe you already do, but now you will get another reason. No reason to postpone it, so I am just going to say it. I picked up my coat from summer storage today. Here we go. I have a fur coat. And - I LOVE IT! There. I have said it. Wow. Good to have THAT off my chest, I must say.

Fur is very much not the thing to wear in Norway (or anywhere else) right now. There was this thing in the media last week. About some poor creatures suffering badly. I could not read it. Did not want to look at it. I just don't want to know. 

You see, I got this fur coat as a gift 10 years ago. It is made of mink, but not the kind that lives in a cage. No, it was nothing like that. These were free-range minks. That roamed free in this huge green field. The grass was so green, almost luminescent, and SO fluffy. The little minks were running around playing all day, with their tiny mink feet just barely touching the ground, as they were so happy. In the end, they all died a natural death. I think. I am a little bit unsure about the part of the story where someone took their furs and turned them into a coat. But I guess that someone had only the best intentions.

As I said, I do not want to know. Being a person that thinks far too much, I would most probably starve to death if I started to REALLY think about all all the suffering animals in the world. I once heard that even carrots scream when you pull them out of the ground. Stuff like that gives me nightmares.

So, I think the best thing I can do is wear my fur coat as must as possible during winter. So these poor buggers did not all die in vain. This way they have at least died for a purpose. Even if that purpose is just to keep me warm.

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