Saturday, November 20, 2010

The spirit of Christmas

I know it is still just November, but I love the whole Christmas spectacle. Last weekend we finally got the invitations for the Christmas party out. I pride myself in sending out PROPER invitations every year. An e-mail just isn't the same. Of course, this takes some effort. Also, with pretty much the same guest list for 10+ years, I have to come up with new ideas every year. This year we went for the paper snowflake version above. I even got Mr. Incredible to help me cut a few snowflakes. Those of you that know him will be quite impressed by this fact, as he is not the most artsy/creative/patient person to walk this earth. I think the result was pretty cute though, if I may say so.

Time for Christmas shopping. Since there will be no family Christmas for us this year, we need to have all gifts ready in time for our traditional family-get-together-weekend in early December. I am just slightly stressed out about that. Just slightly.

Poor husband was dragged out of bed early (for a Saturday) to go to the toy store. A heavy hang-over is no acceptable excuse. We arrived with a carefully prepared list containing the names of the well-behaved (and thereby gift-worthy) children of friends and relatives. The store was pretty quiet, so I thought to myself - "Yes, this WAS a good idea! We beat the Christmas shopping rush.......!"

Oh, well. That was until this little top-to-toe pink devil (possible younger sister of little Damien of the movie The Omen*?) with blonde curls came running through the store screaming at the top of her lungs - clinging to a baby doll:

(Apparently, she was not allowed to take the doll home, the spoilt little rugrat. Oh. So. Cute. NOT.)

I was just waiting for the kid's head to start spinning**, and I thought my dear husband would have a "falling down***" moment right then and there. We managed to escape to the LEGO department, only to be followed by the screaming kid, with her now NEGOTIATING(!) mum in tow. It was pretty obvious who was the REAL boss of that family. I know this is easy for me to say, having no kids of my own, but WHAT IS THE THING WITH SOME PARENTS?! Why couldn't the mum just tell her little princess(!) to shut the eff up? Argh!

We completed our shopping in less than fifteen minutes. Mr. Incredible was sent home in taxi with all the toys, while I calmed myself down shopping for gifts for the adults of the family. On average, customers do behave a lot better at Louis Vuitton than at the toy store, just so you know.

To celebrate getting through about 3/4 of our shopping list, we had a nice long late lunch at Nodee. Black cod and a good mersault (or two) really is a match made in heaven. Topped up with crispy duck and a basket of dim sum, you sleep quite well on the couch afterwards. I do love this time of year. And it is still not even December.

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