Friday, November 19, 2010

The North Pole

Aerosoles. Very. Boring. Brand. But - as they say - "even a blind chicken finds a kernel of corn now and then". So - from time to time, they come up with something close to tolerable. These too would have been extremely boring if it wasn't for the amazing color. I certainly had a RED day today. Red shoes, red coat, red blouse, and - even - red leather gloves. What can I say. I never do anything half-way.  If I tell you "Oh, THIS! Just an old rag I found lying around my bedroom floor...", I might not really be telling the whole truth. I just don't know how to handle a compliment.

I am currently working with a client in the city centre. It is - in fact - shorter to go to the tram stop than to our garage, AND since the parking in the city centre is insanely expensive - and totally inconvenient - I get to suffer a lot using public transportation these days. The only way to survive this is to avoid ALL eye contact with other passengers, AND listen to your iPhone/iPod/other. Pump up the volume.

The following musical/public transportation experiences are currently available in Oslo - brought to you by courtesy of (?) our local transport company, Ruter, at the reasonable (?) price of NOK 40 (pre-purchased tickets sold at a discount):

The train: "Don't stand so close to me" (The Police) *
I have never taken the local train to/from the suburbs. So - in fact - I know very little about this. However, I think one of my Facebook friends described it pretty well in his status update yesterday. He had a special moment on the train, listening to this song on his way home from work. It really says it all, doesn't it?

The ferry: "Sailing" (Rod Stewart) **
To me, this seems awfully romantic. I have a very good colleague that does this on a daily basis, and I am not so sure if she would agree. I did some research today, and according to my limited/exclusive survey, including ONE observation only, the ferry is not too noisy, and passengers have actually been known to talk to each other. Wow. I think I would have liked this.

The bus: "Lay, lady, lay" (Magnet & Gemma Hayes) ***
Most bus drivers in Oslo carry a very obvious death wish. I would, too, if I had to drive a bus full of grumpy passengers every day. As a result, they drive like maniacs. The bus is ALWAYS crowded. Really crowded. No seats available, so your only option is to hold on to a huge POLE for your bare life. Swinging here and there, as the bus turns. A bit like a pole dance with clothes on, really. Until the bus suddenly stops. And it all turns into more of a lap dance, as you suddenly lay across the lap of a total stranger. Classy. Love the song, hate the bus.

The subway: "Sweet harmony" (The Beloved) ****
Due to the frequent departures this is normally not so crowded. It actually allows space to breathe. And daydream. Quite entertaining. Hm. Would have been my main choice if the stop was closer to our apartment. And closer to the client's office at the other end.

The tram: "I saved the world today" (Eurythmics) *****
My favorite, if I was to use that word about something related to public transportation. It is quiet on the tram. You do not have to go underground (scary). You normally do get a seat (at least from my stop). So you can spend time listening to some motivational music on your way to work, trying to fool yourself into believing that your work actually DOES make a difference. As if.


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