Thursday, September 23, 2010

The straw that broke the camel´s back

Loyal friends. Have the same ones in navy blue (which are now banned after the airport incident on Tuesday, even though they were not really involved) and grey. From Clarks. A brand selling really plain shoes, bordering on straight-out-boring. They typically make those brown leather sandals that people put socks in, if that gives you an idea. Then - suddenly - these came along. Heels not too high, and they go with everything. I am crossing my fingers that next season they will finally be available in red. Would love that.

Finally got husband back from NY. Only to send him off to Stockholm again this morning. As a proof that absence really makes the heart grow fonder - I got up BEFORE 6AM today to cook my husband an omelette for breakfast. If that is not true love, then I do not know what is. Or maybe I´m still jet-lagged after my flight on Tuesday, who knows.

Another crazy week at work. I really do enjoy it, but I think maybe my back is trying to tell me that I have had my dose of fun for a while now. So, I have made a new friend this week: Mr. Chiropractor. Very. Scary. Man. I mean, he breaks people´s bones for a living. I can still recall the the sound my spine made when he sat on it. Three times. Good thing is that I actually feel a lot better. So I am seeing him again tomorrow.

Yesterday´s french class was interesting. I actually discovered that there is a VERY thin line between when you find stupid people slightly amusing, and when they become totally annoying. Miss Fashion Management did not really have a good day in class yesterday. I really can´t see why she bothers at all. The good news are that if Darwin´s theory of "Survival of the fittest" is anything to go by, she will starve to death during her first month in Paris, as she will not be able to communicate with anyone. And, of course, "Ihihihi!" she had not done her homework. Which apparently was just hilarious. Duh.

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