Thursday, May 19, 2011

Logical vs. Eco-logical

My Voltan shoes. Perfect work shoes for the summer, as they are airy but still dressed. And good for travel, as they go with everything from jeans to a proper dress.

Arrived in Karlstad, Sweden, late on Wednesday evening. Was greeted by a stiff-upper-lip receptionist who with great joy could inform me that the hotel I had just entered was a Clarion COLLECTION hotel. And that they most certainly did not have a reservation in my name. If I had, I doubt that I could ever have been worthy of staying in that upper-class establishment in the centre of the world that Karlstad is known to be.

It turned out that the Clarion hotel for us mere mortals was placed on the other side of the railway station. Ok. How many hotels are there in this town when there are TWO from the same chain across the road from the railway station?

I was greeted by a party of old farts having their cigarettes outside the hotel entrance. Apparently, the local division of the "Old Gentlemen's Association" had their annual party on the inside. Cool. Except for the fact that, OF COURSE, I got a room with a view. A view straight down into the atrium where THE party was held. So not only did I get to SEE it, the sound effects of forty drunken men - including their taste in music (or rather, the lack thereof) was included. Very generous.

Being more than tired, I managed to fall asleep anyway. To be frank, I was so tired I could not have bothered to go down and ask for another room.

In the morning, I spotted the nice little flyer on my nightstand. At "Choice" hotels they serve a breakfast that is 100% ecological. Oh, cool. You know, to be honest, Peter Pan, I DON'T GIVE A RAT'S ASS WHETHER YOUR STUPID MEATBALLS* ARE ECOLOGICAL! Just provide me with a hairdryer and some hair conditioner, and I would be perfectly happy. You politically correct , "saving-the-world"-wannabe. You. Will. Never. Be. Bill. Gates. Ask that gorgeous blonde wife of yours to stay in one of your establishments without hair conditioner and a hair dryer, and I bet she would be somewhat grumpy, too. Am I right?


Fortunately, I managed to pull myself together in time for breakfast with the client downstairs. I hope she didn't notice my bad hair. After all, it was not my hair that made them hire me in the first place, I hope.

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