Thursday, May 12, 2011


My third pair of Cole Haan / Nike Air sneakers. Perfect traveling shoes, as they do not take up much space in my luggage, are light, and - most importantly - great for sightseeing. Picked up at outlet south of San Francisco a few years ago.

You might think that I am now in France, ready to sign all the boring paper work for The House. Haha. Noooooope. I JUST ARRIVED IN NEW YORK CITY! You know, "The Big Apple"? "The City That Never Sleeps"? Ohmygodohmygodohmygod! Etc.! I just finished doing a very silly dance inside our hotel room, celebrating this fiiiiine occasion. Oh, what a marvelous day this is!

As you can see, although I am fortunate enough to get to travel quite a lot, you can be sure of one thing. I will never be blaze about it.

We are here on a surprise trip. Well, nine of us have known about this for about seven months, but one person have been kept partly in the dark. He arrived at the airport this morning for a dirty weekend celebrating his 40th birthday with his fiancee. And was "attacked" by a crowd drinking champagne at the Seafood Bar. It is amazing how we have managed to keep this a secret through all these months, but somehow we did.

As my boss so eloquently put it yesterday: "You guys really know how to use any excuse to have a good time." A very intelligent man, especially for a Swede.

The birthday boy (can you still say that at forty, or is it starting to sound pathetic?) was soon equipped with a silly gold crown. And an LV paper bag for him to throw up in if necessary during the weekend, as this is the guy that barfed in his then girlfriend's Mulberry Bayswater bag on our trip to Copenhagen before Christmas.

I am so much looking forward to this weekend, I just cannot stand still. So far, everything has gone according to plan. We even got upgraded to business class on the plane (Yay!). There has been but one minor (?) hick-up on this trip so far. Upon driving into the airport parking this morning, I realized that my wallet (with ALL my credit cards) was left in my computer backpack. Back in our kitchen.

Mister Incredible triumphantly declared: "No credit cards, no shopping". I guess we will see about that.

So far I have ONE of his cards safely placed in my handbag. I can be incredibly charming when I have to.

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