Monday, May 02, 2011

A little bird told me

Dark brown shoes. I have no clue what brand. I picked them up at the street market in Bogstadveien a couple of years ago. Nice change from black on days when you need to don your "business attire".

You know I love shopping, but what you perhaps did not know is that I love browsing through mail order catalogues. In Norway we have one particular catalogue, "Select", that gets me in tears. There are so many splendid things for sale in that catalogue! Things that have never ever crossed your mind as something you - or anyone - for that sake, would ever need.

I just received the summer catalogue in the mail. Because - YES - I have actually bought something from this place. Once. It was a revenge gift for Mr. Incredible´s advent calendar - the year after he got me sanitizing wipes as one of my calendar gifts (the woman in the commercial looked so happy, so he figured I would be too). After that year, Mr. Incredible is the proud owner of a wireless (yup!) nose-hair trimmer. And I will most probably receive this catalogue for as long as I live. Yay.

This year I decided to focus a bit on what we could possibly need for our new summer house. My eyes were immediately drawn to this adorable little bird:

It has a photo cell and sings when somebody walks past it. Perhaps this could be an alternative to the burglar alarm? Or would possible guests get in their holiday mood by being greeted by this little bird? I think this is a must-have for any home, really. Perhaps we should get one for our apartment in Oslo as well.

Then, this "charming OWL" caught my eye. WHEN - if ever - was an owl considered to be CHARMING? Is it the nest that does it? At least it IS friendly to the environment, as it runs on solar power. Talk about being trendy.

Oh, look - it's even ON SALE at 50% off! And it has children that look as if they were made out of ALABASTER. Very special. And the thing is 24 centimeters tall, wow! I think I should get a couple of these. At this price, it makes THE perfect house-warming gift if any of my friends should decide to move. 

Of course, we must not forget to focus on personal hygiene. The catalogue features quite a selection in this field, including several versions of sticky detox-pads that you stick to your feet so that they draw all the nastiness out of your body while you sleep. Amazing. My favorite this time, however, was this little thingy. The ear-wax remover. Call me old-fashioned, but I think I will stick to my good-old cotton buds for this purpose also in the future. 

Sticking this sharp piece of metal into your ear must surely be more dangerous than running with scissors? "Perform a lobotomy, now in the safety (?) of your own home."

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