Thursday, May 05, 2011

What goes up must come down

Mary Janes* from Camper. Very comfortable, but makes me look like a librarian. Or someone from the Amish community. Not that I have anything against librarians (or Amish people for that sake) per se, quite the contrary, but you have to agree that I do have other shoes that are slightly more glamorous than these, right?

Time for last meeting with our district Child Welfare department. We had the first interview just before Easter, then another one last week, and this time we were called to read through the summary of the report that will be the basis for our approval as adoptive parents. It has been a quite interesting process, as you need to think thoroughly through the whole "having-children-business" - far beyond the regular "oh, babies are so cuuuute!". Important topics that I generally think more people should have been forced to consider before having kids. Like, most importantly, how to raise them to become decent individuals.

We did perhaps not mention that we intend to raise our child according to the following books by Christie S. Mellor:
 With topics like:
  • Bedtime: Is Five-thirty Too Early?
  • Screaming: Is It Necessary?
  • Child Labor: Not Just for the Third World!
  • "Children's Music": Why?
I am not sure if the welfare worker would get our sense of humor, but most probably, she would. Even though these books do not quite compare to Dr. Spock** (which was the book my mum relied on when she had me - and look where that got me), but our books surely are more entertaining.

To be honest I don't think the people at the Child Welfare Centre would worry so much about the books. Apparently they are used to quite a lot, as nobody even lifted an eyelid when I came rushing into their office this morning, only to realize that my stupid computer backpack had made my dress ride up all the way around my waist, resulting in my derriere being sort of "out there".

I very discreetly pulled my dress down again, crossing my fingers that nobody noticed.

What would a librarian have done?

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