Monday, May 09, 2011

Mayday. Mayday.

Stuart Weitzman. More plastic fantastic, and more bling. Yay. I do not use these very often, to tell the truth, as they are too "naked" to wear at work, and to dressy to wear on vacation.  They do not look too bad with jeans, though. 

Woke up with a fever this morning, so decided to stay at home feeling sorry for myself. Little did I know about the excitement that lay before me.

In the afternoon I went out to go to the pharmacy. In the middle of a pedestrian crossing it suddenly happened! My worst nightmare! The heel of my sandal got stuck in the tram tracks! What to do, what to do? Should I leave my shoe and run for safety on the other side of the street? Leaving the shoe stuck in the middle of the street? For some idiot to run over it in his car? Or - the worst - be run over by the tram -  never to recover again? 

Or - should I try to save it?

(Scary music).

As a car was approaching me, with no sign of trying to stop, I had to act fast. The sandal came loose. But THE HORROR!!!! The heel came off! And it was still stuck in the tracks!

(More scary music).

I had to go back. There was no option. Maybe I could still save my shoe.

I tiptoed into the street, and - THERE IT WAS. Another car was coming. But I could not give up now. The driver honked his horn. And gave me the finger. Can you believe the manners of some drivers! (I would of course never do such things myself while driving, ohno.)

FINALLY! I got the thing loose. Wheew. For once I was relieved that our local transport company does not stick to their promise of having a tram departure every five minutes in my neighborhood. Imagine what could have happened! Picture the headline "Woman killed by tram, trying to save her shoe!"

Not only did I get the heel back. It was safe and sound. And attached nicely to my shoe again with a "click". That´s what I would refer to as high quality shoes.

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