Friday, May 27, 2011

Paper, rock, scissors

My second pair of Minnetonka moccasins. Soft suede shoes was perhaps not the best choice in rainy Oslo this morning, but there was a plan behind it. I saved these specially for today, as they make really good driving shoes. And - we were at one stage worried that today would be the day that we had to take to the road. And DRIVE down to France for the weekend. The volcano ashes floating around Europe earlier this week had us scared for a moment there. So, when we got stuck in traffic out of Oslo this afternoon, we just laughed. As we could easily have been stuck in traffic outside Copenhagen by that time. Knowing that we had 21 more hours to go.

A day of great achievements. Finally took the second car to the garage and had the tyres changed for the summer. Then, I had to go to the police station to pick up copies of our non-existing criminal records. Having a thing for (certain types of) uniforms, this was, of course, a highlight of the day. I do not know what it is, but certain types of uniforms can make someone that - in reality - looks like S. H. I. T. look quite hot. It does not work with all kinds of uniforms, though. Airline purser? No, thanks. Pilot? Ok, maybe.

Lost my concentration there for a bit. Ok. Next on my agenda was dropping the police documents off at the child welfare centre. Their report recommending us as adoptive parents was completed this week. And the papers from the police was the only piece missing. The process took us about six months. Which I guess is not too bad. Not particularly fast, but not very slow either. We have heard of worse.

Our application will be forwarded to the main adoption authority in Norway on Monday. Which hopefully will end up with a "yes". I do not think I could handle anything else, to be honest. But I do not dare taking anything for granted.

So, big day for us today! And that was even before I got to work. Where I struggled with an update all day, finishing the upload two minutes before Mr. Incredible came to pick me up. I still feel like I have a small knot in my stomach as things went a bit fast there in the end. Well, I will be back to fix any discrepancies next week, anyway.

Now I am enjoying the great people-watching in the business lounge at Oslo Airport. Or, perhaps even more, listening in on all the VERY LOUD phone conversations around. We just lost one of the better ones, a guy that was flying to HOOOONG! KOOOONG! On business. And he was calling everyone in his phone book to keep them updated. As if they would be interested. Well, he is off now. In case you wondered. To Hong Kong, I think it was.

Was a bit bummed out that there were no hotdogs being served in the lounge today. But for once they served bubbly wine. Which I could only take a small sip of, as I will be the one picking up our rental car tonight. Bummer.

I know, I should have followed the advice I got during lunch today. Having two glasses of wine BEFORE being picked up today would easily have eliminated the possibility of me driving at all tonight. Instead, I ended up loosing a stupid game in the car.

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