Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Las Veeeegas, Baby....

Gucci. Gooooooochiiiiiiii. Saying this really helps when you have an unbelievably shitty day. I started the love affair with the black version of these ballerina shoes in Copenhagen this spring. I thought they were waaaay to expensive, so I managed to stay strong and leave the shop. Only to discover this grey version later on - in Oslo. Grey is such a good color (except in my hair). Suddenly the price was not an issue. They spoke to me. Now, they make me smile even on a Monday morning.

Time for a business trip. Over the years, I have been quite fortunate to be able to travel to quite a few interesting places as part of my work. Singapore. Lyon. Barcelona. Sydney. Copenhagen. Las Vegas. Orlando. Perth. Salt Lake City. London. Stockholm. San Francisco. Orlando. And - last, but not least - Joplin, Missouri. Quite exotic. Everybody drove huuuge pick-up trucks, and chewed tobacco. For obvious reasons, nobody smokes cigarettes in the vicinity of an explosives plant. We had huge juicy steaks - for breakfast, lunch AND dinner. I was so full of steroid-bred American cattle by the end of the week that I felt like hitting something or someone really hard.

Well, I guess times are changing. This week I got to go on a business trip to a small place close to the town where I grew up. Not exactly the center of the universe, no. Shopping? Sucks. No real party scene to talk about. Somehow, I strongly doubt that I will tag this one on my Tripadvisor map of "places I´ve been". On the positive side, it is a really interesting project. With smart and nice people (a killer combination). And I could stay with my parents. Also, I could bring the husband I did not feel like leaving at home in his current condition - so that my parents could keep him company while I focused on my career. Haha.

After two days in this place, my mind has started to play games on me. I am looking at the autumn leaves and how the sun sets over the lake and leaves it looking like solid gold, and I am thinking: "I guess I could live in a place like this - it´s so peaceful". There is no rush hour, only the odd tractor blocking the way every now and then. I even noticed that I started to adjust the way I talked to the local dialect - A DIALECT THAT I DID NOT EVEN HAVE WHEN I LIVED THERE! Gaaaaah! This is scary. Must get back to the city and get some latte (even though I do not really drink coffee) and have an appointment with my gay hairdresser to get that urban vibe back. I am perfectly happy in the city. Seriously.

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