Saturday, August 28, 2010

The (week)end is near

Very typical shoes for me. I bought these last summer, and they go with anything. Only problem is that the heels are a bit on the high side. Since I currently work a few days every week with a client located very close to my home (five minutes by flats/eight minutes by heels), I figured I should wear these to work. Bad choice.

The good news are, I am NOT a WAG. The bad news are that my husband is down with a cold. As everyone knows, a cold is a very serious condition for a man, including my husband. This meant that we had to skip the memorial concert in Oslo Concert Hall in the evening, something we both had looked forward to for months. One of our major childhood heroes died suddenly this spring, and now his musician friends had put together this charity concert in his memory.

Instead of going to the concert, we decided to do some cooking and just relax at home with Season 3 of "Little Britain" on DVD. Then, in the afternoon, I managed to get stuck at work for some impromptu status meeting that lasted and lasted and laaasted.... When it was finally over, my favorite delicatessen was closed. I went to one of the major grocery stores in the area. Not the closest one to my home, but they have more variety. I filled up my cart with all sorts of comfort food, maybe a bit more than really necessary, but - hey - it´s Friday and my dear husband is ill. I manage to cram everything into two overfilled shopping bags and walk outside. Oh boy! It was raining cats and dogs. I am SIX blocks away from home. I am wearing these stupid high heels that are killing me. I have an umbrella in my handbag (Helloooo, old girl scout - I do come prepared!), but there is no way I can manage to keep the umbrella up while carrying my two bursting shopping bags. And I do not want my lovely new leather handbag to get wet.

So, well. I hailed a cab. A girl´s gotta do what a girl´s gotta do, doesn´t she?

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