Thursday, October 28, 2010

Diggi-loo Diggi-ley

Golden sneakers/trainers. Adidas. They do have a bit of the same effect on my mood as wearing RED shoes. Or PINK. Or - in fact - when I come to think of it - ANY shoes. They can really save my day. Purchased in Kiel, Germany. Easter of the year when my dear husband broke his ankle - and we could not go skiing. Do not remember which year that was, but I bet he does. Instead of our usual week at my in-laws' cabin, we went on a so-called CRUISE (right!) with Color Line. From Oslo to Kiel. And back. I hope he never breaks his ankle again. Don´t get me wrong, I am not one of those snobs that are to good for a ferry trip to a neighboring country during which you get totally pissed and buy a lot of tax-free stuff. No! Just do. Not. Call. It. A. Cruise.

Today´s header might not make much sense if you are:

  • Born during the 90s (do people that young READ already?)
  • Non-Scandinavian
  • Not into the Eurovision Song Contest
  • Have a conveniently selective memory, making you able to forget embarrassing parts of you past

Does not really matter. To cut it short, it is a song about some guy showing off his golden shoes*/**. So I figured it was the perfect header. Got it? You are so clever. Sometimes you make me SO proud.

Having a party tomorrow. Some might find this a bit strange after this somewhat heavy week. But it was all planned a while back, and I really need some normality in my life right now to keep myself afloat. My adorable husband has a date with 22 guys in shorts at Emirates Stadium this weekend, so I figured I deserved to have some fun as well. And I do LOVE having parties at our house. (Except the tidying-up after, but the people coming tomorrow are all well-behaved business intelligence geeks. Like me. So in this particular case, this won´t be a problem.)

I can spend weeks preparing a party. I guess the reason I enjoy it so much is that I never get stressed about it. I start off by writing a very detailed "to do list" well in advance, and then I just complete one little task every day. So on the actual day, everything is ready. Except me - that is. For some reason, I always tend to be on my way out of the shower / putting on make-up - when the guests arrive. Maybe I have this hidden desire for people to see me wearing just a towel. Or without make-up. Beats me. Anyway, I am very much looking forward to it. The champagne buckets (!) are all ready (although we are having just prosecco - due to austerity measures). Just need to pick up the ice cubes tomorrow (last task on list!).

And - select the right shoes.

PS. If you were stupid enough to watch the YouTube clip above, this song will stick to your brain for DAYS. Moahahahaaa.

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