Saturday, December 25, 2010

Who says you cannot buy happiness?

Christmas Day. And no need for shoes! Just my new Tom Ford sunglasses. Christmas present from dear husband.

We are still anchored in North Sound. Had to cancel going to Jost van Dyke today, as weather is bad over there. Well, who really cares. We are in a WARM place, and the sun is shining. I mean, why do people tend to believe that HELL is a warm place? Really, to me hell would rather be COLD. Oh well. Let's not change that now. I guess I have an idea where I will end up, so I'll be fine. May I bring a swimsuit?

What a day it has been! I just LOVE it when you get the tender ashore and you are greeted with smiling crew serving pina coladas on the dock. Time for the huge "Champagne & Caviar Splash" in the surf. By coincidence (and bad weather) we were joined by the Seadream II today - anchored in the same bay, so we had close to 200 happy people enjoying themselves on the beach. That is why they had both surfboards prepared with caviar. Normally there is one. Then the deal is that you have to jump in to get your caviar. And champagne. Pretty good. At least it makes ME happy. Very happy indeed.

The caviar was followed by a huge barbecue buffet prepared on the beach. Accompanied by reggae music by a local band. And finally, Santa arrived. On a wakeboard. Hilarious.

In the end I was so happy that I even agreed to go on the banana boat. Silly, as I never manage to get back up on that monster when I fall off it. Which I do. Of course. That is the whole point of going, isn't it?

Then. When you think everything is just perfect. It gets even better. My very special Christmas treat arrived. The "julebrus"* from my home town. It has had quite a journey to get there. It all started in Oslo in late September. By mistake, it ended up in Antigua, instead of San Juan. It was then shipped to another port, where it was picked up by our sister ship. And arrived in Virgin Gorda on Christmas Day. I was so happy. I even cried. This is Konrad posing with my second bottle for the evening. What a sugar rush. Good thing I have been loading carbs by eating my daily chocolate croissant for breakfast, or I would have ODed.

The julebrus surprise was followed by a terrific dinner, which was a special version of the "Menu Degustation" that is always served on the last night of a cruise. Spiced up with some Christmas dishes. And, we were accompanied by Mr. Perignon again! Our lovely new friends from Ventura, California, send a bottle over to our table at dinner. Once again, thank you!

Can a day be better than this? I do not think so. Really.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Virgin Gorda, British Virgin Islands

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