Thursday, December 30, 2010

Here comes the rain again

Same bad weather as yesterday. So what it a girl supposed to do? When everything else fails, go shopping. As a bonus you get some of the best people watching available, with this island being the Caribbean playground of the rich and famous. And their "possé".

However, spotting a REAL celebrity is, quite challenging. As the place is packed with wannabees. Like us. Who all seem to behave EVEN MORE than stars than the REAL ones. So beware. We spotted a guy today that was totally channeling Jack Nicholson. It turned out he was - in fact - a local taxi driver.

This week there is a new yacht in the harbor. We refer to we it as "Frankenstein". Owned by yet another rich Russian. I was in fact, quite disappointed when I googled it and found out that it was designed by Philippe Starck. Whose designs I normally admire. Then again. He has actually designed the toilet bowl in our apartment. Makes perfectly sense to me when I see this ugly son-of-a-bitch yacht.

Actually, Mr. Chelsea was pretty friendly when we saw him in port last week. He actually nodded back to Mr. I when he experienced one of those incidents where you greet someone you see a lot on TV because you think it is somebody you really know. Well. He might not really be so friendly anymore. Roman's team lost to Arsenal the other day, so my dear husband keeps shouting these things over to his yacht (after dark, of course):

"Arsenal, Arsenal, Arsenal"
"Three one, three one, three one"
"Are you Tottenham in disguise?"
"Hey, you LOSER!"

Hm. I guess we are NOT invited over to the Eclipse for lunch anytime soon. I kindly asked Mr. I to keep it down as we thought we saw some possible missiles attached to the upper deck over there. I guess that means that fireworks on Friday might be quite spectacular.

Another quite particular thing that strikes you in Gustavia, are all the loving father-daughter relationships. I was trying on some extraordinary YSL sandals at Human Steps, when I got to see up close how very grateful the daughters were when their daddy bought them new shoes. If I did not know better, I would think they were - in fact - not family after all. Silly me.

This town is also one of the few places where you can overhear things in the boutiques like: "Oh, Jimmy Choo? Wasn't the owner of that brand at our party last night?" That surely does not happen when you go shopping at my local mall, for sure. Not that they carry Jimmy Choo anyway.

Talking of shoes. I hate to admit this, but even though I tried REALLY hard, I did not manage to find ANY shoes worth buying today. Even though I spent four hours browsing the shops. I really wanted to get this particular orange / summery handbag at Hermes, but it was SOLD OUT. Bummer. Financial crisis my a**. Well, I managed to do SOME damage. Have to support the local economy, you know.

Since I was really on a roll when I had to go back to the ship to get myself ready for dinner, I swiped my card again with the club director back on the ship. And booked TWo new itineraries. I am just totally out of control, I know. So, we will be spending a week onboard in the Med this summer. And then, if we are really lucky and manage to get some extra time off from work, we will go on the amazing yachting adventure down the Amazon in March 2012. For a month. A real once-in-a-lifetime expedition. We will see. Keeping my fingers crossed that it will really happen.

Dinner with the master of the vessel this evening. He is such a great guy, so we had a good time. As always. Dropped by the casino on our way to bed. Where we happened to DOUBLE our money. Yay! Made me feel somewhat better about today's spending spree, although I realize that 200 dollars will not really get me far on this month's credit card bill.

By the way. Where is the idiot that said that you can not have luck in BOTH love and gambling? Just look at that beautiful black-jack hat-trick.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Gustavia, St. Barthelemy, French West Indies

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