Thursday, December 02, 2010

December it is!

I have hit a bit of a dry spell on the shoe side this week. I do not have that many shoes that are useful at 10 degrees (celsius) below.

I have made the calendar on the left myself. I am very much a project "beginner". Maybe not so much of a "finisher". Dear husband uses this beautiful piece of handicraft as a typical example. I started off really well. Four Christmas trees. Four Christmas hearts. Then - I loose my patience. And I present to you.... Tadah! THE CHRISTMAS SQUARES! All 16 of them. This is what I refer to as my "creative laziness". Without this laziness, there would be no progress in the world, I tell you. Most inventions were triggered by laziness in the first place, weren't they?

We have used this home-made one every year since I moved in (I do not remember if that was the deal, "if you let me move in I will make you an advent calendar..."). Except last year. Unpacking all the boxes after the apartment renovation was like an advent calendar in itself ("Wow, do I really have one of THOSE?" A surprise every day!), so we skipped the whole thing that year.

The general deal is that we each buy 12 gifts, so that we each get one every other day. Normally, we get to the last week of November, and I hang up the calendar, with the 12 nicely wrapped gifts. Sometimes I start buying stuff during our summer vacation, if I find something really nice and thoughtful. Then, on November 30th, we have the following scenarios:

  • Husband asks his visiting mum if she can help him a bit (meaning: getting ALL the gifts for him)
  • Husband asks younger first-year-student sister to help him (this is a long time ago, she has been a lawyer for years now)
  • Husband gets totally freaked out, goes out during his lunch break and buys expensive gifts to make up for not planning ahead (as I have always said, I would be perfectly able to cope with 12 TINY diamonds, I am by no means picky or demanding, oh noooo). This shopping trip always includes a bottle of truffle oil, and some expensive olive paste/tapenade, which I put in the fridge and forget about until they are way past their sell-by-date.
  • Husband puts TOO MUCH thought into buying the gifts, which is a disaster*

This year, we have been too busy. Both of us. I am really embarrassed to tell you that I am still four presents short this year. Me - I have my very own calendar. Mr. Incredible bought me the "carbohydrate" one on the right at the Copenhagen Airport. It was actually my suggestion, as I did not think I could push him that hard when I had not finished the 12 gifts myself.

I love my calendar. Now I get chocolate every morning! Wooohooooo!

So, if I appear moody to you, it is just me totally loosing control of my blood sugar levels again. Yum!

* Repeatedly referred to as the "ASAN-incident". He had seen this advertisement of this really happy woman on TV getting this particular feminine hygiene product. I am not going into detail, but I WAS NOT AS HAPPY AS THE WOMAN IN THE F***ING ADVERTISEMENT. I will tell you that much. This is the story that I always use to black-mail husband into getting really good calendar gifts.

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